Updated Articles

  1. Updating a Smart Group?

    Learn more about creating Smart groups of livestock to keep track of animals in your herd in Farmbrite.
  2. How do I add or update animals via import?

    Need help with adding animals to your Farmbrite account? Learn how to import them from a spreadsheet.
  3. Task Attachments

    Add links and attachments to your Farmbrite tasks to reference videos, manuals, documents, instructions, and more.
  4. Task Checklist Items

    Not every farm and ranch tasks is simple - Use Farmbrite to track your complex livestock and crop tasks.
  5. Unassigned Tasks

    Keep your tasks unassigned to create a to do list for your farmhands to pick from.
  6. Assigning Tasks

    Farm and Ranch hands have their hands full - keep them organized and productive with Farmbrite's Tasks System.
  7. Marking a Task as Missed

    Use statuses like skipped, missed, and incomplete to mark tasks as done in Farmbrite.
  8. Statuses To Track Your Progress

    Your farm and ranch tasks are unique - Check out Farmbrite's Task Categories to customize your task list.
  9. Syncing Schedule with Calendar

    Integrate your Farmbrite schedule with Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook, and more.
  10. How do I schedule repeating events?

    Need help keeping track of recurring events for your farm or ranch? Check out Farmbrite's Schedule for an easy solution.