Livestock Yield Comparison

Knowing which of your breeds produce the best can be critical for your farm. If one type of chicken is getting you more eggs everyday, or a unique breed of cow is producing more milk than others, you might want to invest in more of them, and phase out the others. You can use Farmbrite's Livestock Yield Comparison report to see the yields form different species and breeds over time to help you make those important business decisions. 

Of course, to use this report you'll first need to add yields to your animals! You can learn more about that process here

To run the report, navigate to Reports, choose the Livestock Tab, and select the Livestock Yield Comparison. 

You'll see a menu for species on the left, and a select for what type of report you'd like to see on the right. You can change any of these and click Update to refresh the chart and data. 

Each selection in the Compare By menu will present slightly different data.    (birthdate or date added to system if null) 

Relative Week - This displays the yields by week, throughout the life of the animal. 

Relative Month  - This displays the yields by month, throughout the life of the animal. 

Relative Year - The displays the yields by year, throughout the life of the animal. 

The "relative" aspect of the above selection means that it is normalized across all of the animals of that breed. It uses the animal's date of birth (or date the record was added to Farmbrite if it does not have a birth date on it's record) to determine it's first week, first month, first year, etc. So regardless of what week, month, or year they were born/added in,  the software calculates it's yield relative to when it was born/added. 

Month of Year  - This displays yield by month combined over years for all animals of that breed. As an example, if you've had the animal for two years, the yields from February 2024 and February 2025 will combine for "Month 2" totals.

Year - This displays yield by year combined over all years for all animals of that breed. As an example, if you've had the animal for two years, the total yields from 2024  will combine for the yearly totals. 

Questions that this report might help you answer:

  • Which breed was more productive at certain times of the year?
  • When does a breed start to be less productive as they age?
  • Did a change in food at a certain week or month cause a noticeable uptick in yields? 
  • What week or month can I expect this breed to start producing?
  • Did bad weather in a season cause a downturn in yield year over year? 

Reach out to us if you have any questions or ideas for improvements on this report!