Grazing livestock and regenerative practices

Farmbrite’s grazing features make it easy to keep track of where you animals are grazing, how long they’ve been in a certain field and to easily determine when you might need to rotate your herd to greener pastures.

You can access the grazing features from fields, livestock, and individual animals.

Viewing all Fields actively being grazed

To view all your fields that have animals actively assigned to graze on them, navigate the main “Livestock” section and click on the “Grazing” tab. This view provides easy access and an overview of the current fields in your grazing rotation. You’ll see each field that has animals actively assigned to it, including the field’s Name, Year, Size, and the number of animals actively grazing, and the average number of days those animals have been grazing in that field. Click on the field name or the animal count to access the grazing details for that field. You'll also see all open fields at the bottom of the page, with a "Days Rested" duration. This let's you know how long it's been since that field has been grazed, so you can be sure it's had a chance to regenerate before grazing it again.

Moving animals into field

From the “Grazing” tab on an individual animal, click on the “Move into Field” button. You will be prompted you to select a new field and the date the animal(s) started grazing. You can choose the field by clicking on the “Move to Field” button in the list of fields.

Grazing History

After you’ve assigned an animal to a field to graze, you can view the history of grazing activities for the that animal on the “Grazing” tab of an individual animal. There you will find a list of all that animal’s grazing activity, including the field the animal grazed in, when they started, ended and the amount of time in the field. 

To edit or delete a record: Click on the name of the field to view it. Click on the Red “x” on the right or one of the other actions to delete or edit the record within Farmbrite. 

(Note: Deleted records cannot be recovered.)

If you have a lot of grazing records, you may need to page through the list to find the one your looking for. Use the paging buttons at the bottom right of the gird to move between pages of records.

(Note: This feature is only available on certain plan types.)

Field rest:

For regenerative grazing practices you may want to see when a field was at rest and for how long. You can view all your fields and view or add information about when you have switched fields. By doing this you can keep track of how long your herd has been on one field. 


When you move a herd you can change the status to fallow and then track how long it's stayed that way.

Here is a video showing how you can move cattle into a field to graze.

Moving Animals into a Building

Animals can also be moved into a building or animal enclosure. If you've created these when mapping your farm, they'll be available in the menu when you're moving your animal. This lets you continue to track the animal's location when you move them to a paddock or stalls after grazing.

Alos, be aware that animals that are moved to a butchered, culled, or deceased status will automatically have their grazing records ended on their death date to help you accurately reflect their grazing. 

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