User Settings

Once you have access to Farmbrite, you'll probably start by exploring the system and working with farm records. But beyond those, there are also some user settings and profile configuration that you can set up to customize your Farmbrite experience. 

To find these, navigate to the User icon in the upper right, and choose Your Profile.

First, you'll find the ability to upload an avatar image. This could be a picture of you, or really anything that you'd like to have as a profile picture! A cartoon character, an animal, an icon, whatever you'd like! This is used in the task list to show tasks assigned to you. 

Next, you can update your name, email, or password. These fields are fairly straightforward, but update them if you need to. 


Within the Settings subsection, you'll find a few additional choices to configure Farmbrite to your needs. 

Default Calendar View - Select if you'd like your Farmbrite calendar to default to the day, week, month, year, or list view. 

Include Due Tasks on Schedule - Choose if your tasks that have a due date should be displayed on your Farmbrite calendar. 

Send Schedule Reminder Emails - Optionally receive reminder emails when a task is due, or an upcoming event is taking place. 

Publish Calendar Feed - If you'd like to use your own personal calendar outside of Farmbrite, you can choose to publish your Farmbrite calendar feed to link it to your Outlook, Gmail, or iCal. You can take this URL and connect it to your calendar so your Farmbrite events automatically display on your personal schedule. 

Allow API Access - This setting controls whether this user has access to the aFarmbrite API. This is an advanced feature can send and get data from other integration sources. Unless you're connecting Farmbrite to other third party software, you won't need this enabled. 

Disable User Access - When checked, this feature prevents this user from logging in to Farmbrite, but retains their historical data logs for actions and updates they made to records. This could be great for a seasonal employee; you can disable their access in the off season, and reactivate them next year.