Audit Log Report

Have you ever looked at a record in Farmbrite and wondered who made the last changes to it? Perhaps you spotted a mistake, or maybe you saw an efficient improvement and want to know which one of your farmhands had such a great idea. You can now access an audit log report in Farmbrite to see the changes made, who made them, and when. 

Note that this Audit Log Report is available to admin level users with a Farmbrite Premium subscription.  Logs are kept for 90 days. If you upgrade to utilize this feature, your logs will start at the time you upgrade. 

To access the Audit Log, navigate to Reports, and you'll see it under the Admin Reports section. 

As we scroll through the log in the image above, you'll see that the audit logs tracks many different aspects of your Farmbrite system.

Logs are recorded when creating, updating, and deleting the following record types:

Livestock animal records
Livestock breeding
Livestock measurements
Livestock inputs
Livestock groups
Livestock treatments
Livestock feedings
Livestock yields
Grow locations/beds
Nutrient applications
Custom reports
Market orders and products
Mapped places
Accounting transactions
Chart of accounts
Changes to account settings
User logins
Equipment services
Warehouses and bins
Climate gauges
Custom fields
Tasks and scheduled events

Logged records will track what was changed in an update under the details link. In the example below, we've updated the details about one of our recently birthed goats. We'll see a link to the goat's record at the top of the log, with details about who made the change, and when it was done. Below that, you can see the old data on the left, with the new updated date on the right.

The log is chronological, so the most recent updates will be right at the top. However, if you're looking for something specific you can search and filter the report as well. 

If you'd like to save a copy of the report, you can download it to a spreadsheet or print it to a PDF. 

Some additional important details to be aware of: 

  • Orders submitted through your Farmbrite Market online shop are not tracked in the log, as they were created by your customers, not Farmbrite users. You'll see details about the order in the order section, not the audit log report. 
  • Updates that are done via the bulk select tool are recorded as a single action, not as records for each individual animal. 
  • Similarly, imports are also treated as a single action, and do not create audit logs for each individual record updated. 
  • Events triggered through the Farmbrite API are tracked in the audit logs. 
  • Remember, this feature is only available to admin level users on a premium level Farmbrite subscription. 

Have questions about what you are seeing on the audit log report? Reach out to us, we'll be glad to help!