Contact Support

Need assistance? We're happy to help if you need it! You can submit a support ticket to us here

You'll find many great articles in our help center to help you out as well. Be sure to check the index of articles on the left and browse for what you'd like to learn about. You can also check the Video Tutorials in the upper right to learn more as well. Additionally, you'll find even more videos on our YouTube page. And of course, you can also use the search boxes to look for something specific. 

If you don't find what you're looking for we are happy to help you out. Farmbrite offers support Monday through Friday from roughly 7am to 3pm Mountain time. We are located in Colorado in the US, but feel free to send us tickets from anywhere and we will respond as soon as possible!

When you contact us, you'll have choices for what the question is regarding. Don't worry about picking the perfect one; we will respond to all requests no matter which one you choose.

We'd be happy to help you with a technical issue if you found a problem.  When you contact us, be as detailed as you can and let us know exactly where you are in the system, or what steps you took to get there. Feel free to send a screenshot, or include additional details like the browser you are using, the type of phone your access the system with, or anything else that you might think is relevant. It can't hurt to be detailed! 

We'd also love to hear ideas and feedback! Let us know if you'd like to see improvements, and how you might envision them working. 

Also, we might use Loom to communicate a quick video back to you. Have you ever used that before? if you are having trouble describing your issue or verbalizing what you'd like to see and how it might work, check out to learn more about this free browser plug in that can record your screen and audio so you explain exactly what you'd like!