Removing from Inventory

Removing Items From Inventory

You know that you set up inventory to track what you have on hand at your farm or ranch. You've learned how to add inventory to track items you've purchased to use on your property, or products you have for sale. However, it's just as important to remove items from your inventory when they are used, as doing so helps you keep accurate counts and can trigger minimum quantity notifications. 

You'll easily be able to remove items manually, and we've also built inventory integrations with feedings, treatments, inputs, and equipment maintenance to automatically deduct the items used. 

To manually remove inventory quantity from an item, navigate to Resources, select Inventory, and then choose an item. This is a great way to remove something that was not associated with a feeding, treatment, animal, or planting. You'll see your current inventory for this item displayed, along with what warehouse and bins it is stored in. Click the red Remove button and a new window will open for you to record how much was used.  In our example, we're using some fencing to repair our property boundary. We've used 2 rolls, and optionally added a reason. 

Farmbrite will automatically calculate the amount you have remaining and recalculate your average daily usage of the inventory. You'll see it in the upper right corner of the graph. 

Excluding Inventory Usage

Sometimes removing an item from inventory shouldn't count towards your average daily usage. Perhaps our neighbor ran out of chicken feed, and we gave them some of ours to help them out. We probably don't want that gift counted in our usage, as it may throw off the number we use to determine how much we fed our own chickens each day. You can check the box to "Exclude from usage calculations" to accomplish this. 

Removing from Specific Lots

You can also optionally choose which lot to remove the inventory from, if you're tracking the item in lots. This could be useful if you are removing inventory due to expiration.  We track our blueberries in lots, and each represents a different harvest. Some of one of them has started to mold on the shelves, so we'd like to remove 12 lbs from that particular lot. You can go directly to that lot and remove the inventory right from there. You could also remove it using the method above, directly from the item itself, and select the lot there as well. 

Using Inventory on Records

Outside of the spoilage example, maybe the item was simply used as intended.  Farmbrite has automatic integrations with feedings, treatments, and equipment maintenance to subtract from your inventory when used. If you're tracking items used in maintenance of equipment, or administered to plants and livestock as treatments, follow the steps in that article to apply the inventory reduction when you create those records.  And as your animals eat your stored hay, make sure you remove the bales from your stock

Additionally, be sure to remove items from inventory when you sell them outside of the Farmbrite Market - if you make a sale of your products at the local farmer's market, you'll want to remove the quantity from your inventory so you accurately track your remaining product. 

Have more questions on how to work with your inventory? Reach out, we are glad to help!