Working with Timesheets as a Farm Employee

When you put in hard work around the farm, you'll want your manager to know when you worked, and what you worked on. Whether you need to record the hours you spent harvesting the crops, taking care of animals, maintaining the equipment, or working at the farmers market, you can use Farmbrite's Timesheet tool to record your work and submit your hours to your manager. And you can do that directly from the Farmbrite app on your mobile device!

Note that this feature is available to Farmbrite Premium subscriptions. Consult with your manager prior to using this tool to develop a a plan and processes for using this feature to record your hours. 

To get started with a timesheet, navigate to Schedule>Timesheets. You might see some previous weeks timesheets that you can reference, or this might be your first one. 

Creating a Timesheet

The first step to submitting your hours is to create a timesheet. Your manager may have already done this for you, and if so you'll see a timesheet for the current week. Look for the most recent date range, and if you don't see a current one in draft status, you'll click New Timesheet to make one. 

You'll see the following fields in the new window. 

  • Timesheet Period Ending - Select what week this timesheet is for. You'll select the Sunday that ends the week of the timesheet. It will default to this current week but you can change it if needed. 
  • Prepopulate from schedule and tasks - This time saving checkbox preloads tasks and hours into the timesheet by referencing your assigned tasks and events that are scheduled for that week. 
  • Copy from previous week -  If your schedule is relatively the same week to week, this feature can save you time when completing the sheet. You can still edit and update any previous task or hours to reflect the new week as well; this gives you a jump start instead of starting from scratch with a new sheet. 
  • Comments - Feel free to add any details or comments you'd like your manager to see on the sheet. 

Adding and Submitting Hours

Once you have a timesheet for the week, you'll see rows for each task, and columns for your days and hours spent.  If you preloaded last weeks sheet, or your tasks and events, you'll see the sheet has been partially completed for you. You can edit any of the existing tasks, or the amount of time you spent on them each day, If you need to add additional tasks, click the Add Row button and define a name for the task. You can then find the column for the day/date, and add your number of hours worked on the task. How detailed and specific you be on this sheet is between you and your manager. Discuss their expectations with them so you don't add too much, or not enough. 

After you have added and edited your tasks and hours, you can click Update Timesheet to save your changes. You might do this everyday to accurately record what you worked on, or you might set aside some time at the end of the week to summarize your days.  Either way, when it's the end of the week and you're ready to turn the sheet in, you'll choose Submit for Approval. This sends the timesheet to your manager, where they can review and let you know if there are any issues. If there are, you'll receive an email notification letting you know the timesheet needs attention. You can then address any discrepancies and resubmit for further review. Again, if you have any questions about the sheet and your hours, it' s best to speak directly with your manager.