Yield Calculator

Do you need to plan out the amount of a crops you need to grow to meet certain yield requirements? No problem, we've added a simple way to automatically calculate how much you need to plant to get that yield (even accounting for losses). If we can sweeten this feature for you, you can also easily bulk create the needed plantings in just a few clicks. 

The yield Calculator is a feature we've added to Farmbrite to help you plan your plantings. Sometimes you might know how much of a plant that you need to supply to your customers but you're not sure how many plants to grow in your greenhouse or how much space you might need to grow those plants. This calculator helps you find those numbers.

Where can I find the yield calculator in Farmbrite?

You can find this feature in your Farmbrite account under the specific crop you're looking to grow. Take a look in the My Crops tab at the top of the page. You'll see there is a Calculate Plantings button at the top. This is where you start.

How does the Yield Calculator work?

If you click on the Calculate Plantings button you can start to add details about the plantings you need. You can then start adding details like how much of the specific plant you need to grow and when you need to harvest this plant.

This works really well for CSA memberships where you know you have a specific amount you need to grow for the season as well as wholesale orders that you might need to fill.

Using the tool to help me Calculate Plantings

The next step will give you an overview of  your plants and the specifications you added about the planting. Check over those details before going to the next step where you create the planting(s).  

Repeated Succession Plantings

The yield calculator allows you to do a repeated planting as well. Just select the option for Repeat Harvests Until when calculating your planting  and this will add that plant to your grow location in succession until that date. Be aware that any future plantings will be shown in the Future Plantings section for that crop - they're not missing, they're just not shown on your current plantings until it's time to plant them.