The history of your equipment tells a story! Think about that old farm truck that you might be selling to a new owner. They may be curious about how it was used, how was it maintained, and what has it looked like over the years. Has it taken any long trips that prove it's reliability? When was the last time the fluids were changed? If you could give them an easy printout of thorough records from your ownership that may help give them peace of mind about the purchase and sway their decision to buy the equipment. You can access all of your equipment details, notes, usage and maintenance records, and images in a single printable Equipment History record
You can find this feature on any piece of equipment. Just navigate to Resource>Equipment and select the equipment you'd like to see. You'll find a History tab in the menu that compiles all of these records into a single printable page.
In order to get the most out of this feature, you'll of course need to add these records in the first place. Check out the articles linked below for additional details on creating these records types.
Creating Equipment Maintenance Records
Don't forget that when you print these you don't necessarily have to print to paper, you can always save this data to a PDF file as well. Check out this article to learn more about that. Save a sheet or three by providing this to your buyer in digital format instead!