Scout Mode
Your Wi-Fi signal might not reach to the far corners of your property, but that doesn't mean you don't have work to do there! If you're out of range, the Farmbrite mobile experience will still allow you to use the system without internet access. All it takes is a little planning! Just like how you'd bring the right equipment with you when venturing to the remote areas of your farm, you'll need to be prepared in Farmbrite as well. That's as simple as enabling Scout Mode on your mobile device before you go offline.
If you know you'll be out of connectivity range, just tap the main menu in the upper right and then select Go Offline. This will sync your Farmbrite data and store it locally on your device. This enables you to complete any of the Quick Add actions without needing to have internet access. Your homepage will still display today's tasks as well, and allow you to mark them as completed. As you work through your tasks and record your treatments, measurements, and harvests, you'll see a banner at the top of your app displaying how many records are waiting to be synced. Once you are back online, these records will automatically sync to your Farmbrite account. A confirmation page will be displayed once the sync is completed, letting you know if any errors were encountered. You can email the errors to yourself to have a record of them as well.
One last note about Scout Mode - did you notice the beta tag shown when selecting "Go Offline" from the menu? This means we're still testing this out, and need your help! If you encounter any issues or errors, please reach out to us and let us know. We'd love to hear your feedback about this too!
Here's a screenshot showing all the options you have available to do when working offline.