Activity Journals

A lot can happen around your farm in a day! Delivery workers might make a stop at your place to drop off feed and supplies, new animals might arrive on a truck, a customer might stop by to pick up a recent order, or an inspector could by by to surprise you! There are many other situations and scenarios you might want to record a journal entry for, and you can add them to your schedule in Farmbrite. 

To get started, navigate to Schedule in the main menu and choose Calendar. From there, select Add Activity Journal from the actions (3 dots) menu. 

A new window is displayed that should look familiar to your if you have created events previously. Note that the title and date are preloaded, as these activity journals are generally meant to be daily logs of activities. We think you might sit down after a long day and write some brief notes about what happened, so you can report on them and reference back to them later. Also note that the "All Day" checkbox is prechecked. Having this box checked means the journal entry will be shown in the header row on the calendar so that you don't have to go looking for specific times to find it. 

You can use the description field to write an outline for the day. This field also includes standard content editor tools like bold/italics/underline, and  the ability to create hyperlinks. You can also use bullet points or numbered lists, which may be particularly useful when writing out the days activities.  You likely won't need to associate this to any particular record, but if you're writing something like "fixed the broken axle on the tractor",  perhaps you might. Be aware though, the entry can only be associated with a single record. 

After you are done, click Create, and you'll see the Activity Journal in the header section of the calendar for that day!

Need any more assistance with this? Reach out and let us know!