Accounts Receivable

We all know the old familiar phrase "Put that on my tab" - and we all know it means you'll likely need to follow up with some delinquent accounts from time to time. Whether you're waiting on one of your bulk purchasers to pay off an outstanding large delivery, or you're chasing down the last payment from a CSA share, you can use Farmbrite's Accounts Receivable Aging Report to see who owes you what, and how long they've had the balance. This can help you see who currently owes you the most, and who has been outstanding the longest. 

You can run the report by navigating to Reports on your left menu, and then choosing Accounts Receivable Aging under the Accounting/Financial section.  You'll see a grid showing a row for each customer with an outstanding balance. Each column to the right of the grid displays a balance from a different time period - 1-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, and more than 90 days ago.  You will also see a row for total outstanding for each period. 

In our example above, we can see that a few of our customers have owed balances for greater than 90 days. Decide who you want to follow up with first, and then click their name. You'll be brought to their orders page, where you can select the order, and then email them an invoice. 

We hope this report helps you follow up on your delinquent accounts and collect your payments. Reach out to us if you have any other questions about this report.