Getting Started with Timesheets

Your team is absolutely critical for the day to day operations of your farm, and tracking what they are working on, and for how long, can be just as important for your business goals. Of course you'll want to know the days and hours they worked to compensate them, but tracking the tasks they worked on and how long each took can also help you streamline operations and gain efficiencies.  Farmbrite's timesheet feature let's your employees add their tasks and hours directly through the app, where you can review and approve what they submitted. You can run a report to see total hours worked, and export the data to a spreadsheet to send to a separate payroll software. 

Be aware that this feature is available to Farmbrite Premium subscriptions; check out this article for more information on upgrading

The timesheets system is somewhat different for employees and managers, with managers having additional administrative features. We've separated these actions into unique help articles for each, but encourage you to read this Getting Started guide to see the big picture that applies to both. 

Whether you are a manager or employee, you'll navigate to Schedule and choose Timesheets to get to this feature

As a manager, you'll immediately see weekly timesheets for all of your employees. You can easily see the week, status, and total hours worked for all of the timesheets, and can search or set filters to find specific ones. You can create new sheets for your employees if you'd like, but be aware that they can also do this themselves. Once the sheets are created and completed, you can access any of them to review them for accuracy, and then mark them as approved or rejected. If you reject one, your employee will receive an email letting them know their timesheet needs attention. You can even lock the timesheets to at the end of the week to prevent further updates if you have a deadline for your employees to submit hours.  Once you've reviewed the sheets, you can export a .CSV spreadsheet to send or import this data into your payroll system. 

As an employee, you'll only have access to your own timesheets. You can create your sheet, and then complete it with tasks and hours spent each day. Bonus:  to save time when creating the sheet, you can automatically copy your sheet from last week, and prefill your sheet with the events and tasks on your schedule that week as well. You'll submit it to your manager, and will receive an email if there were any issues. 

Beyond these actions to track the weekly hours you'll also have a report to pull your timesheet data over a time period. So if you run payroll biweekly, you can easily find the total hours over the two weeks to send to your payroll service. The Employee Approved Hours report is found under Reports>Standard Reports, and then housed on the User Activities Tab. 

Move on to the other articles in this section for more in depth reviews of both the manager and employee workflows for timesheets!