Expected Maturity

Knowing when you expect your animals to be mature can be very helpful for your livestock business. This can help you plan for breeding and yields, which in turn help grow your business with expected income. Farmbrite offers an Expected Maturity Date field on each animal to define this, which works in conjunction with a field for Mature Weight and animal measurements to show progress towards the expected mature size. 

To get started with this, you'll see these fields when creating a new animal, or you can edit an existing animal record to add this data.

You'll find fields for Mature Weight and Expected Maturity Date under the Additional Information section.  Both of these will be used to determine the animal's progress towards that goal by that date. If you are adding a new animal and supply a birth weight, Farmbrite will immediately show you the animal's progress towards the weight goal on their summary page. 

After adding those, you'll want to add more measurement records as the animal ages. As you add them, you'll watch the progress bar fill towards the goal weight. 

Reporting on Maturity Weight and Dates

You can add information about the maturity date and weight to custom reports. You'll see these fields available in the custom report field dictionary when adding columns to a livestock custom report:

  • Expected Maturity Date
  • Mature Weight
  • Mature Weight Percentage