Market Reports

You'll find lots of useful information on your Market Dashboard, but if you'd like to dive a bit deeper into your market orders, Farmbrite offers standard reports to help you see what orders are in progress, have payments due, or have been completed. You'll also have reports for top customers and top products to help prioritize your business operations and develop market strategy. If those are not enough, you'll find custom reporting options for you to build unique reports tailored for your needs. 

To access these reports, simply choose Reports from the main menu and find the section for Orders & Market. 

There are six standard reports available to you in that section. 

  • Finished Orders - This report lists any orders in Complete, Delivered, or Shipped statuses; these are orders that are finished on your side. You might use this as a summary of orders processed to completion in a time period.
  • Pending Orders - You'll find orders in any "In Progress" status here; this would include ordered, approved, picking, packing, etc. These are orders that still have work to be done to get them out the door. You could run this periodically to ensure any order that needs your attention gets it. 
  • Order Summary - All orders are shown here, regardless of order status. This one is helpful if you want to see everything
  • Payment Due Orders - This report shows orders that have an outstanding payment due. It is grouped into buckets based on the time the payment has been due, showing you 30, 60, and 90+ day outstanding balances. Pro Tip: check out the Accounts Receivable Aging Report if you want something similar per customer. 
  • Top Customers - A list of your customers ordered by total amount spent in your market. 
  • Top Products- A list of your products ordered by total monetary amount ordered. 

Each of these reports gives you the ability to set a date range to update the data displayed. This is useful for running monthly or quarterly reports, or back dating reports to compare year over year orders. You can also export these reports to a spreadsheet for further data sorting, queries, and formulas. 

You can also create Custom Reports for your orders to add additional fields and filters. You can find a full walk through of how to create custom reports in this help article. Check out the example below for a quick look at creating a report filtered for only large orders over $250.


What unique custom reports have you made that you think other Farmbrite users might benefit from? Reach out to us and let us know, maybe we will ad your creation as a standard report!