The Online Store section of the Market lets you manage the basic configuration of your online shop. We want your Farmbrite online store to be an extension of your business, so you'll find many options here to personalize your site. We're talking about look and feel, but beyond that you'll find descriptions, contact info, payment methods you accept, and much more.
To start, choose the Online Store section from the Market menu. You'll be presented with three tabs on main page: Settings, About Your Farm, and Look & Feel. We will go over your options for each tab in separate sections below. Watch the video at the bottom for a walkthrough of all three.
You'll find a few basic choices on your Settings page.
- Sell Online - Perhaps the most important, toggling this selection to On enables additional choices, and turns on your online store in Farmbrite. While you could still sell products by manually entering orders, if you want to sell products on a website, you'll want to turn this on.
- Custom Shop Link - This is the URL you'll have dedicated for your Online Store. It has a placeholder by default, but you will likely want to change this to the name of your farm, or something more familiar to your customers. It will always start with you can control what comes after that slash to make it more unique and branded for your business.
Use the View link to see what your online storefront looks like.
You can print out a QR Code right here that brings your customers to this link. This makes it easier for them to access your shop; they can just scan the code with their phone/device. This is great for using in marketing materials.
You can also embed the store on to your existing website using an iFrame. We'll give you the code, but it's up to you or your web designer to implement it.
- Online Shop Status - Choose if your Online Store is currently open with products available for purchase. You might set this to closed in your off season after you have run out of harvest inventory. If closed, you can add a message to display to your customers as well.
- Customer Options - Select if you'd like to require email or phone number from your customers purchasing online. They can still optionally supply this information if unchecked.
- Payment Options - How do you want to let customers pay? Online credit card payments are popular, and can be processed through Stripe. If you're allowing pickup or delivery, you might also allow cash or check payments too. These options could also be useful if you're using Farmbrite as a point of sale system at an event like a farmers market. To make it even easier for your customers to pay, you might enable Quick Pay, which creates a QR Code for them to scan and pay on their mobile device.
- Shipping and Delivery Fee - If you charge for shipping and delivery, supply an amount for a fee here.
- Starting Order Number- Set a number to begin your Order Number sequence. If you currently have a system for your orders and want the first Farmbrite Order number to pick up where the old system left off, you can set this starting Order Number here.
- Email New Orders To - Supply an email address to receive notifications when an order is placed in your Online Store.
About Your Farm
This tab is where you can supply contact information and descriptions for your business.
Use the text box at the top to write a short description; perhaps some history, your story, something about your values and how you grow your crops or raise your animals. Use the tools in the box for formatting like bold, italics, bullet points, tables, and more.
You can also check a box to optionally enable contact information for phone, address, website, social media links, and more. All of this information will be shown in the About Us section of your Online Store for customers to read. Social media icons for links to your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will also be displayed in your Online Shop header section.
Look & Feel
We want your store to feel like an extension of your website, so upload a logo and header image here. The recommended resolutions are shown on the page, but know the logo should be 200x50, and the header looks best at 1200x300. Don't have a header you want to use? Search Unsplash for millions of royalty free options.