Feeding Livestock from Inventory

Adding a Livestock Feeding

Go to the Livestock group or animal that you would like to feed. 

Go to the feedings tab

Click on the New Feeding button

You will bring up a form to fill out for the feeding. Add the details about which type of inventory you would like to choose, amount, costs, weights, notes and the date. 

Note that the Group distribution will be for the total for the group (animals fed in the field) all animals or per head (for animals in stalls.) Click on the info tab(?) in the app for more information about this functionality. 

A secondary form then will ask from where you would like to remove the inventory.

As you start to add feedings and measurements to your herd/animals you will start to see some graphs and charts come up with AVG lbs per day, AVG lbs per head per day and feed costs. But first let's add a feeding and take from inventory. (See first image)

Some of these charts are using information from the measurements tab. If you go to that screen you will find more charts and graphs  giving you data on these numbers. See image below.

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