What's New - May 2024

We've spent this month focused on enhancements to your reports to give you a better navigation experience, and built a few new reports for you to use as well. You'll now find the reports laid out in tabs by topic with similar reports grouped together in each tab. You can now also customize more reports with additional fields, filters, and other options to use them as the foundation for custom reports. There are also new crops, livestock, market, and inventory reports to go along with this visual update. And we'll also see a new feature for recording crop treatments to help you pinpoint the exact location it took place. 

New Report Layout

When you navigate to Reports, you'll immediately see a new layout design. Rather than all the reports on one single page, they are now organized by topic in tabs across the top. You'll find categories for Accounting, Livestock, Plantings, Orders and Market, Resources, and User Activities.  You'll also see subcategories on each tab, with similar report grouped together there too. These changes make it easier and more intuitive to find what you are looking for. If you haven't explore the reporting system yet, check out this video for an introduction to see what's available

Customizing Standard Reports

You can now customize more of the standard reports to use them as starting points for custom reports. If you just need to add a couple more columns or set some additional filters, you can now customize standard reports instead of starting from scratch with a new custom report. You'll see a green Customize Report button in the upper right for any report where this is an option. Note that some reports are not able to be customized due to the layout and data presented. If you need a refresher on creating custom reports, take a look at this article

New Reports

Along with the new layout and customization, you'll also find a few brand news reports to help you get the data and analytics you need for your farm. 

Market Reports

  • Due Orders by Delivery Method - A list of all orders that are not complete, sorted and ordered by the delivery method. This helps you know the upcoming deliveries, shipments, and pickups you need to prepare for. 

  • Due Orders By Status - Also a list of all orders that are not complete, but this time ordered by status. This one helps you see what is being picked, what's in progress, what has shipped but not yet been delivered, etc. 

  • Orders by Customer - This reports shows you all of your past customers, with all of their past orders. You'll see what items were in the order as well.  A total for all orders is also shown per customer. This could be a good companion for your Top Customers report if you'd like to see what items they ordered frequently. 

  • Speaking of the items they ordered, along with these new reports, you also now have a field for Order Items to use on custom reports to add this data there as well.  

Livestock Reports

  • Maternal Performance - This comprehensive breeding report gives you insight into the reproduction history of your female animals. This can help you determine the best females to breed in the future to  promote herd and business health. You'll see the total number of offspring they've birthed with their average weight and condition score. Additional details on birthing ease, weaning, and offspring survival rates are also presented for a full picture of the dams reproductive performance. 

  • Feed Performance Report - This report combines metrics for average daily gain and food conversion ratio; it's all about inputs and results! You'll see all of your animals with the total amount fed and total weight gained over a date range. This helps you know how the feed you give them is translating into weight gained over that time. Maybe you'll try different feed during different times to test the results, or perhaps you'll use this with the Maternal Performance report to pick the best animals to breed. 

  • Livestock Daily and Weekly Yields Reports - If you harvest products like eggs or milk from your animals, you'll now have the ability to see daily or weekly yield production. This can help you keep track of your more frequent harvests, and make it easier to find anomalies that might point to issues with an animal. Or, maybe it helps you see how productive the animal is and help you breed for increased performance in combination with the two reports above. 

  • You'll also have new fields in custom reports for Total Fed and Sold Date. You can add these important metrics to any custom reports. 

Inventory Reports

  • Inventory Usage Report - Set a date range on this report to see how much your added and used during that period, with the current amount remaining shown as well. This report calculates the average daily usage, and uses that to determine when you might run out of that item. It helps you see where you inventory is going, and plan for future needs and purchases. 

Other Updates

Besides working on reports, we also made a few updates to other features as well. 

You can now geotag crop treatments with precise GPS coordinates. If you're adding the treatment on your mobile device as you're in the field, Farmbrite will use your device's GPS location and place a pin in the exact spot the treatment took place. 

Future recurring tasks are now shown on Task Due report. If you have recurring tasks that are set to repeat, you'll now see them out into the future on the Tasks Due report. Since the next task repetition is not added to your task list until the current occurrence is complete, this change helps you get a clearer picture of upcoming work that occurs daily, weekly, or monthly. 

Your Crop Yield Comparison can now be compared by week, month, and year.This was previously limited to week over week throughout a season. You can now compare harvest totals from different varieties of the same crop for months throughout the year, or year over year.