Users & Roles

You likely have people working around your farm in many different capacities. Maybe you have an operations manager who oversees the entire operation, and farmhands who you reply on for day to day activities. You might have an accountant who handles your books and finances, and a service manager who keeps your equipment in excellent shape. You'll probably want them all to access Farmbrite so your whole team can be working together on the same page. They can find unassigned tasks to complete, and then create records to track what was done and start building a data history for your livestock, crops, equipment, store, and more. You can provide all of your workers with Farmbrite user logins so they can access the software. You can also assign them specific roles for what they can access and view. An accountant likely needs to see your financials, but your farmhand may not, so you can set a specific set of permissions for each user to ensure they have exactly what they need access to. All users can see their own task list, pick up unassigned tasks, and access the Timesheets feature. Beyond all of that, you also have a User Audit Log report available on Premium level subscriptions to see exactly what each user did and what data they entered (or deleted) from the software.


Creating New Users
Learn how to add and update new users in your Farmbrite account.
Roles and Permissions
Set up access permissions for your users in your Farmbrite account.
User Settings
Configure and customize your Farmbrite user options for your preferences.