Your Account

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Users & Roles

You likely have people working around your farm in many different capacities. Maybe you have an operations manager who oversees the entire operation, and farmhands who you reply on for day to day activities. You might have an accountant who handles your books and finances, and a service manager who keeps your equipment in excellent shape. You'll probably want them all to access Farmbrite so your whole team can be working together on the same page. They can find unassigned tasks to complete, and then create records to track what was done and start building a data history for your livestock, crops, equipment, store, and more. You can provide all of your workers with Farmbrite user logins so they can access the software. You can also assign them specific roles for what they can access and view. An accountant likely needs to see your financials, but your farmhand may not, so you can set a specific set of permissions for each user to ensure they have exactly what they need access to. All users can see their own task list, pick up unassigned tasks, and access the Timesheets feature. Beyond all of that, you also have a User Audit Log report available on Premium level subscriptions to see exactly what each user did and what data they entered (or deleted) from the software.


If you need to change your plan or update your payment method, you've come to the right place! The billing section in Farmbrite gives you access to a billing portal with Stripe, our payment processor. From here, you can upgrade your plan to select additional features, or change it to monthly or yearly billing in the future. You can also update your billing information like an address or email, or add a new payment method if your current credit card has expired. You'll also find PDF copies of your invoices and receipts for past payments here too. Additionally, if you are not located in the US, you can access this section to provide your Tax ID for VAT if needed. And if you run into issue and need to cancel, you can do that from here too. Reach out to us first though, we'd be happy to help if you need it. Note: if you don't see this section in your menu, you may need additional permissions. Contact your system administrator/farm manager if you have any questions about accessing this section of the software.


Getting Started with Settings
Set up the basics of your Farmbrite account for farm and ranch operations.
Account Settings
Learn how to configure your Farmbrite account settings and options.
How do I change the time zone or address in my account?
Set up Time Zone configuration in your Farmbrite account for your farm and ranch operations.
Do you support the metric system?
Set your Farmbrite subscription to use metric measurements to track your inventory, animals, and weather in your local measurement units.
Mobile Notifications for Task Assignments
Configure push notifications to your mobile device when a new task is assigned to you in Farmbrite.
How do I change my contact email?
Set up and configure your email notifications and contact details in Farmbrite.
Disabling Email Notifications
Learn how to configure email notifications in your Farmbrite account.
How do I extend my trial?
How can you extend your Farmbrite trial subscription? Learn about upgrades and options for your farm and ranch.
Opening a Subaccount
Needmore than one Farmbrite account? Check out our Multi-Farm Account link in this article.