Grow locations are exactly what they sound like - the locations you grow your crops! You can create as many of these as you need, and then plant your crops in the different locations to track them over time. Fields or grow locations in Farmbrite can be anywhere that you are growing plants and want to keep track of the productivity of that area. For example, a field can represent a traditional 40 acre field of row crops, or an orchard of trees or berries, or a market garden plot, or a raised bed, or a greenhouse. They might even be indoor grow rooms or hydroponic towers. Grow locations can also be divided into beds, letting you plant different crops in different sections of a field to track them separately. Beyond that, you might use grow locations for pastures to graze your animals too; you can also plant hay or pasture grass in them and to harvest for winter feedings. These grow locations can also be connected to your Farm Map, helping you get a birds-eye view of your fields and see where you might gain efficiencies in your layout. You'll also have many options to take care of your grow locations; you can add treatments and nutrients and then record soil samples, and you also add tasks, events, and notes to be sure you are reminded to get those done!