August is here, and with it comes some new additions to Farmbrite. All of these new features were suggestions from our user community, so if you'd like to let us know what would be helpful for you, submit a request and we'll see what we can do!
For this month, you'll find enhancements for how you work with tasks, like the ability to attach files, photos, and links, as well as a few new statuses for you to use. Your ability to plant your beds just got easier too, with the addition of a bulk planting feature. You also have more control over your exported data now, and can stay on top of your farm inventory with improved notifications when it's running low.
The first change you'll notice is that you can now more easily bulk plant your fields. You previously had to plant each bed individually, but can now plant the same crop in multiple beds with one action. You can easily select all the grow locations and how much of the crop you'd like to plant in each, without having to repeat the process for each location. This saves you time, and cuts down on repetition. You can read about this feature in this article.
Your task tracking is also improved, with 3 new statuses to choose from. We all usually think of a task list as something where you check off items and mark them as completed. However, we also know that despite our best intentions, sometimes tasks can fall through the cracks, and other times the task might be purposely missed, but still need to be taken off the list. When these situations occur, you can now use Missed, Skipped, or Incomplete statuses. All three of these statuses mark the task as completed and will create the next event in a recurring series as well. In the example below, the Farmers Market was unexpectedly cancelled, so we never had to prep the truck this week and thus marked it as "skipped".
While you're working in tasks, you should take a look at the new abilities to add links and attachments to them as well. In the video below you can see we linked a YouTube video for instructions on completing the task, but you could also attach a .PDF of the manual, or an image of the instructions if you'd like. The possibilities are endless here; let us know how you use it!
You'll now have an additional option for exporting data in the Livestock, Transactions, and Task sections. When you click the Actions Menu, you see two choices, Download Records and Download All Records. Download Records gets you a .csv file of the records currently shown on the page, while Download All Records gets you a .csv download of all records in that section, regardless of the filters you have set.
Have you ever run out of something in your inventory, and wished you would have known sooner? You've always been able to set up low inventory notifications, but now they include additional relevant information like your product number, description, current amount on hand, and minimum threshold. Check out this article for a full run down on how you can use this feature.
Let us know if you have any questions about any of these new features!