New Articles

  1. Getting Started With Reporting

    We usually think of Reporting as one of the last things you'll "get started" with. Before making it here, you've likely come a long way on your Farmbrite journey. Maybe you've  planted crops and started tracking your harve...
  2. Getting Started with Climate

    No matter what you're growing, how you're growing it, or where you're located, the weather is going to have an impact on your agricultural operation. Even if you are growing hydroponically in a controlled environment greenhouse, cloud co...
  3. Getting Started with Contacts

    Getting Started with Contacts You'll undoubtedly meet many people through your farm  - customers, employees, vendors, suppliers, veterinarians, and many more. You'll have access to a Contacts Directory within Farmbrite to help you ke...
  4. Getting Started with Accounting

    No matter what type of business you are managing with Farmbrite, you'll probably want to know what you're spending on expenses and how much income you're bringing back in. That means you'll want to record transactions on each side ...
  5. Getting Started with Products

    The Products section of your Farmbrite Market is where you'll set up the items you have for sale. This could be anything - produce, meat, dairy products, baked goods, herbs and spices, wool and fiber, CSA shares and memberships, and so much mo...
  6. Getting Started with the Market

    Your online market is where you can showcase your freshly grown produce, meat products, cheese, and other unique items you want to offer to customers. This tool is very versatile and can be used for CSA shares, events, selling livestock, sending o...
  7. Getting Started with Inventory

    Setting Up Inventory  Keeping track of the property and goods you have in stock at your farm or ranch is extremely important; it pays to know where things are, and how many of each item you have on site. You'll likely need to track a varie...
  8. Getting Started with Equipment

    Besides the people that help you run your operation, your equipment and machines are likely the most important resource on your farm. They assist with tasks and make tough jobs easier, allowing you to work faster and smarter which leads to increas...
  9. Getting Started with Resources

    Farmbrite gives you the ability to track the resources you own around your farm or ranch - we're talking about your equipment, inventory, and storage locations . Want to keep track of the maintenance on your tractor? We have you covered. Need...
  10. Getting Started with Crops

    Getting Started with Crops Welcome to the Crops section of your new Farmbrite account! We want you to have a basic understanding of what your Farmbrite Crop Management software is capable of before you start setting it up, so let's take a hig...